Awaken to Your Full Spiritual Potential – The Sound of Soul
Awaken to Your Full Spiritual Potential; Discover HU, the Sound of Soul.
Join us for this one-hour program to explore the benefits of the sound of HU. You’ll have the opportunity to chant HU, engage in spiritual conversation, and meet others of a like heart who share a desire to explore their own connection with God or Divine Spirit.
The program will be followed by fellowship and light refreshments. Everyone welcome.
You may wish to contemplate on the quote below.
“When you sing the name of God with love, the bindings and bands that constrain Soul will begin to unwind. Not all at once but very slowly, at a rate you can understand and accept. As these bindings are released, Soul rises in spiritual freedom.”
HU The Most Beautiful Prayer
-Harold Klemp-
For inquiries: email or call (+1) 833-325-6277